Hunters often times set up cameras on trees deep in the woods to see what kind of wildlife lives in the area, but one in Montana captured a very strange creature – so odd that it might not be from this planet.
It was snapped by Donald Bromley‘s camera deep in the woods of Redgate in Deer Lodge, Montana and it shows an eerily-shaped gray humanoid. The area where it was photographed is a hotspot for paranormal activity. Bromley told the local news station that there are often “UFOs, lights in the sky, unexplainable things” there. Among the strangeness is in the area, cars mysteriously stall on the roads for no reason.
Bromley spoke about the image, saying he first thought it was just a person but, “The more I look at it was just odd, it was out of place and everything just matches the alien persona the bigger bulbous head, you can tell he has no clothes, it’s kind of a transparent being.”
A nearby resident, Patrick Cutler, has produced a documentary about the area and its unexplained incidents. He posted an interview with Donald, in which Bromley describes more details surrounding the photo. Donald reveals that he has dozens of cameras in the woods, all with the same type of battery, which lasts a year, but when he went to this particular camera, it was dead after just two months. He downloaded the photos off of it and the last one it took was of the “alien.”
Bromley adds that the location of the camera makes it incredibly unlikely that the picture is of a human, explaining that he was only able to access it because it was near a secure private ranch where he worked, but according to him, “To get to that spot publicly, it’s miles, literally miles to get there and you probably have to drop 1,000 feet in elevation just to get to that point. It’s unrealistic.” Additionally, none of the other nearby cameras were triggered and they would’ve been if someone was walking nearby.
You can see a trailer for the documentary about Redgate here.
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