- Digital camera- Sometimes we use cell phone cameras but it’s not recommended
- Digital voice recorder- to record Evp sessions
- Dowsing rods/ pengliums- energy based communication tool for the paranormal
- EMF meters (electric magnetic field)
- Ghost/spirit box- A device used for contacting spirits through the use of radio frequency. These devices or so called Ghost box also known as Spirit box or Frank’s box are used as an electronic medium for the purpose of direct communication with a spirit.
- Thermal imaging camera –All objects emit infrared energy (heat) as a function of their temperature. The infrared energy emitted by an object is known as its heat signature. In general, the hotter an object is, the more radiation it emits. A thermal imager (also known as a thermal camera) is essentially a heat sensor that is capable of detecting tiny differences in temperature. Ghost are generally 10 degrees colder than the area around.
- Night vision video or infrared- easier way to see in the dark also easier way to capture the paranormal
- K2 meters (another version of emf) lights up if a spirit or ghost is present.
- Trigger items like the boo bear which has emf in them or ways to communicate
- Rem pod versions of emf lights up if a ghost or spirit is nearby
- Green grip pens (ways to catch shadows)
- Some apps on cell phones work- like Ghost radar or the portal or ghost box like apps
- Ir temp guns (take temperature of the area ghosts are supposed to be colder we go be 5 to 10-degree change.)
- Regular video cameras
- Deer cams version of night vision cams
- Full spectrum cameras a higher quality night vision camera
- Motion sensors- ways to sense spirits nearby
More on Evp sessions
- EVP (electronic voice pneumonia)
- Has been attempted since at least the turn of the century in one form or another. In 1848, the Fox sisters probably attempted the earliest form of spirit communication called spirit rapping.
- Over the years, EVP has become more sophisticated and in tune with the times. It began with dual-reel tape recorders that were very big and very bulky.
- Scientists and other interested persons would attempt experiments with these items but really didn’t get the results they wanted. Over the years, manufacturers have updated, improved and condensed the tape recorders they make only to provide excellent results when used under controlled conditions.
- Ghost hunters began experimenting with these recorders and discovered a whole new world
- that had opened up with their use. In an attempt to share their evidence, they were met with resistance from the scientific community. There was no way to prove their evidence and how
- they obtained it.
- Over the course of time, attempting to obtain EVP has become much easier and at the same time, costlier. There are still the tape recorders running the microcassettes or standard tapes.
- These work well and can work better with any microphone attached to it. The microphone will eliminate the “motor” sounds obtained caused by the gears rotating and an internal microphone.
- Although some swear by certain microphones, any one will do. If you can afford the higher end microphones, get one of those. I always find simpler is better.
- These days you can also find the digital recorders. There are those people that swear these work better than tape recorders. Although you will get a better sound quality with a digital and have the ability to download it to your computer, the digital recorder can work just as well as a tape recorder.
- Info from also more on this article here: http://www.simplyghost.com/evp2/
- Other Articles to check out
- Basic ghost hunting http://www.simplyghost.com/basic/
- What are ghosts- http://www.simplyghost.com/research/what_are/
- Classifications of different hauntings- http://www.simplyghost.com/class/